A match made in the cloud:
How Cisco Umbrella and Meraki power SASE
Watch on demand | 35-minutes

A match made in the cloud:
How Cisco Umbrella and Meraki power SASE
Watch on demand | 35-minutes
Featured speakers:
The network and security landscape has changed dramatically. Users are dispersed, organizations are embracing multi-cloud, and applications are everywhere.
These changes, which can lead to gaps in your security, pave the way for a new model, the secure access service edge (SASE). SASE converges security and networking capabilities in the cloud to provide seamless, secure access to applications spanning any device, location, and user.
Webinar highlights include:
- The network transformation and the evolution of users and apps to the cloud
- Components and advantages of Cisco’s SASE architecture
- Demos of Cisco Umbrella, Meraki, and Thousand Eyes
Join us for this 35-minute webinar with cloud security experts Nilesh Halai and Chris Gugger. You’ll learn how Cisco SASE powered by Cisco Umbrella and Cisco Meraki have both revolutionized the way we manage and protect our users, applications, networks, and devices through the cloud.